How to ask a girl on a second date reddit

How to ask a girl on a second date reddit. No kiss or any kind of physical contact (I think its too soon for a first date) She seemed to like me and agreed to a second date. Most people can handle rejection fine. •. Plus you guys give it to me straight which is awesome. hankonhill. That’s what I always do on a date. My options are: Kiss her (lips) as soon as I see her. Most people expect you to tell them you want a second date at the end of the first date. Go mini golf, bowling, hiking, or something like that! Its easier to keep conversation flowing as there's lots to talk about. Kissing is a matter if getting to know each other and kissing is sharing pleasure. Sometimes I might do it even at the end of the first date right then and there. Usually girls think they have forever and can comeback around. When she said to let her know if you think of something that's female code for 'I really want to see you again so don't leave me hanging. Things went really well on date 1. Avoid topics like religion and politics. Don't mention money at all. We hiked for 2 hours, talked a lot, and after she hugged me. Sorry english is not my first language. I was planning to kiss her this time but I didn't. It just lead to a endless loop of meaningless conversation. I (M23) went on a date with this girl (f23). I went on a first date with a girl I met on Hinge yesterday, we grabbed drinks at a brewery near her home (unbeknownst to me when I asked her). I think your feelings about wanting a second date may be more for you to prove something to yourself than your actual interest in this guy. I've had sort of vague plans made for a next date at the end of a first date, like both of us mentioning days we're available and would want to meet, and then a couple days later ironing out specific plans. A lot of the awkward introduction is done with, no need for question/answer stuff. Go in prepared to pay for half the meal!! It’s silly to assume one party will pay the entire bill. Her: Alrighty, will do! Red flag #4: Vague, non-committal response. First age makes a big deal. If she isn't interested and you don't ask then it's the same as her saying no. So unless she is scamming you for free booze, if she doesn't like you after the first date it is because of the energy, you look different than your pics, or you were socially weird. crazyornotcrazy. Of the 15ish women I went on dates with in the past two years I think only twice I felt that a second date was a waste of time. Taking a stroll and casually holding hands during is a first date thing, unless you're 15 years old or maybe just a late bloomer. Translation: I like you and I am ready to say 'yes' when you call me for the next date. Gives you a chance to gauge her reaction and there’s a chance you even can get a preemptive rejection. She said she was totally open, and would like to meet up again. My general question is: what are some key indicators that the girl is actually interested in going on a second date? If she suggests a new activity as mentioned above, is that a strong indicator that she will not flake on date 2? You don’t ask if she’s interested, you let her know that you’re interested and ask what her week looks like or if she’s free a certain day or two. If you want to ask her now and she doesn't want to go on a second date with her, just because you asked to early - you two aren't a good match, despite the first date going well. If a guy is waiting 1-2 WEEKS to ask me out for a second date, I’m going to assume he’s not interested and loose his number/match. Background: Early in the week I met up with a girl from bumble who wanted coffee. I'm going to (such and such) on (Insert day) and I know you said that was something you were If it's too late for that, wait a few days and call her and ask for another date. Something likeNot sure if you know your work schedule yet, but I'd love to get together this week. That's it. At this point, you should have said the following: Sounds like you're really busy. Good luck! Don't be so thirsty guys don't like it. The second date is perfect to share a kiss! Leave the first date with a good kiss and a "this was really fun, we should do it again sometime. So, since I know she's interested in a second date I want to be the one to ask her for a second date and choose a place. A mutual friend told me this girl found me… But there are a million reasons to not immediately want a second date with someone, and your idea that she was "testing" you is only one. Attraction felt pretty mutual. I ask my friends about it and they feel the girl just doesn't feel physically attracted and just can't admit it. Reply. We both love cycling so we went on a bike ride. However, this isn't a bad thing and doesn't reflect negatively on your character. If she comes back and agrees after the 24 hour period, tough luck. Her only crime is being indirect, not playing mind games. Fast forward to today, we rematch, I do If you want to gauge whether he’s interested, give him some space and see what he does with it. Last time, I asked for the second date before the conclusion of our first date. Just be yourself, ask when you want to know the answer. I rarely ever meet up with these woman. Last Monday, I went into the office of a particular woman. 1. I didn't do the first kiss on the second date. Honestly, I'd go with a phone call. I would like to see her again but I always struggle with the second date, when to ask, how much communication is right without coming across as needy but also not ignoring her completely. I have been talking to this girl for a while now, but I made the mistake of asking her out too early after she got out of a relationship. I think there has to be more than that, but I can't put my finger on it. Sep 18, 2023 · Here are 42 questions to ask on a date to get the conversation going (because no one really cares about the weather). How do you ask a woman out on a 2nd date when you know she's luke warm at best with you? Guy went on one date with a girl, waited 3 months of no contact before deciding to pick out every insecurity she probably has about herself. posts about… At the end of a date, it means “it was nice to meet you, but I don’t want to meet you again”. And yeah you can do things to improve your dating skills it will always help, like being more interesting,more funny or whatever. Just enjoy the moment. So today I'm hoping to set up a second date with her. . The words you use won't matter as long Asking for second date. 3. First dates are there to figure out if you click and they just felt like you don't click. Even though I feel like we have a connection, I’m a little nervous about asking for the 2nd date. So even if you ask a girl for a second date during the first date and they say yes, the next day or a few days after she can completely change her mind and pretend she never agreed to it in the first place. Lose plans after the date and an "I'm free on the weekend" is the perfect time to ask for a second date. r/dating_advice. Just don't force the issue if your date's not This is not me trying to be presumptuous, but I'm in college and have never been asked out to coffee before (I hate coffee but I understand that it's a good/easy atmosphere to get to know someone), and I'm just wondering if, when you ask a girl to get coffee sometime, it's meant to be understood as a date. Send a text after each date to say you had a good time and ask when they are free to plan the next one. After a couple days, CALL HER and ask her out on another date. Usually after 3-5 dates offering to pick up your date is when I’ve gotten “yes”. Depends on how the date goes. If he was really interested in you he would've looked past the first date nervousness. Assuming that you find her interesting/attractive, you’re wanting to setup a second date with her. CompleteInsect8373. Almost every girl that's rejected me that's come back around I've moved on from. Want to ask girl on second date, but not sure she'll say yes. aces-and-jacks. I can understand completely wanting a new setting for a second date. The fact is, she's placing more importance on her time than yours. Exploring is often a lot of fun. If you're talking about a 40-year-old, the answers most likely, "No. God, never reference the "date" like that. Generally if they don't reach out after the date and I'm not interested, just consider it a mutual ghost and move on. Bad? Date #1 was a coffee date with this girl. Award. I agree with the others that it shouldn't feel like it needs to happen at a specific time. Sure she had a good time and that's why she agreed to another date but she might be seeing others guys too you two aren't exclusive so obviously there's no harm in hanging out with someone else. "Hey (Insert name), had a great time with you last (whenever). The key here is to not let your mind run ahead of reality and understand it's still just a casual encounter! That’s true! Thank you, you’re right if anything I get an earlier answer and can either move on or celebrate lol. Kiss her (lips) later in the date when it feels right. After I said that it is way too awkward and I could never do that, she said, “well, I believe in second chances. after all these days and finally just ask to know for good. Kiss her (cheek) as soon as I see her. Congratulations on your First Date with a girl from Online Dating. ' or smth in the lines of that. I think it depends on the date. Monday is the best day for me due to work and obligations, and unfortunately, there's nothing going on in our city that day. More replies. For example, I'll have 3 first dates in one week, and then a second date with each the following week if there was mutual interest. " Life experience makes a massive différance when it comes to dating. I really want to go on another date with her but don’t know how or when to ask, should I wait a day or two or is know a good time? Should I wait for her to ask me again? I just need some help. Always lead with your feelings and wants and go from there. The answer is still a resounding yes. Doesn't always make it to that last step, but that was the order for me. I would simply ask if I were you. One where you're still going to see each other for a while afterwards may seem better. Let me preface this question by saying I met this girl a few months ago in my church small group. Tell her you had fun with her and would like to see her again when she's free. Now, I feel it’s been long enough, especially since we got to the subject of asking someone out twice the other night. Then the next day I follow it up with a text/invite to go out again on a specific day. Don’t be as blunt as “hey would you like to go on our 2nd date. Necessary_Slice6391. Say something nice, drop the bomb, say something else nice. Pretty standard. Red flag #3: No counter with a day that she is free. 25M here with, like, no dating experience, so bear with me. It seems like a last second thing. I'd simply ask him if he wants to hang out again and suggest an idea for a hangout. I don't know. If she mentioned something between the first date and now, ask her about it. You're assuming she's batshit because she didn't want a second date with you? Homegirl dodged a bullet! Edit for spelling. If you asked her about hanging out in person, of course she’s going to tell you yes. Some will say yes some will say no, it's never the end of the world if they say no. Keep it simple, and lastly whenever you think you want to ask a girl out that you're talking to, do it. If they seem uncomfortable with physical touch, that’s a boundary you should not cross until they communicate that they’d Went out on a pretty fun date last night, dinner at a really cool restaurant type place we talked for like 4 hours it seemed like it went fairly well. Most women find guys picking them up risky early on so that’s why they’ve declined for me previously. Expectations and ideas for my second (second) date. Talk about those things, or talk about things she may have brought up that you guys didn't talk about on the first date. 8. But you both have to know what the other one wants. You can just enjoy the moment. Be respectful and cognizant of your date’s comfort level. If he rejects or is “busy” then oh well🤷‍♂️. If he doesn’t make any move to connect in person again but keeps texting, he’s either not interested or not ready to provide what you want. means she is not interested. Hey all. The last guy I rejected (didn't go past the first date) was definitely super confused as to why I rejected him. He contacts me the next day, and we talk the next few days, but no mention of a second date. I been more straightforward asking for dates within in Date finally happens, we have a good time, and he spends the night since it was late. I personally think dates where you get to really speak to the person are the best. So yeah, little bit of context. This is the true “test” (well not actual test). Generally, asking questions is always perceived as good bc it shows you wanting to get to know her. Everything was so smooth. But that's when they actually ask. If it's your second date, and you're scarfing down all-you-can-eat riblets at Applebee's, it's probably not worth taking a photo. Went for drinks on a first date, went pretty well. Please save yourself the agony of not knowing and contemplating etc. but a good way to gauge interest. If you wait too long, someone else will beat you to that second date. You should have ended the first date with 'I had a great time & text me. If you both thought the first date was But don’t ask for the second date until the next day. I'm pretty sure I gave a bad first impression because she pulled a, "You're so quiet," on me. So there’s no such thing as too soon. Interestingly, we had gone on two dates two years prior. Make the second date an activity. demenciacion. Wait a day or two, let everything sink in. When answering this question for a 16-year-old, the answer is most likely "Yes, ask them out again. If you haven't heard from her by Wednesday night, hit her up again. Not to mention him getting up and talking about how “other girls” wanted him. Ask her on a date / hang out ASAP! Your results depends on it. I suggested an other bike ride (due to covid and we are between 2 seasons here, cycling is one of I'm sure that you guys have texted/communicated between the first date and the day of your second date right? Talk about those things, or talk about things she may have brought up that you guys didn't talk about on the first date. ago. Thanks, adokimus. I much prefer knowing that the person I'm with actually wants to be there, and them asking me out is a good way to indicate that. If it's a date where you've gone somewhere scenic, like a winery or maybe a music festival, a photo/selfie is probably fine. Mar 28, 2024 · Respectfully break the touch barrier. If no reply in 24 hours, assume it's a no and ask another girl out. Walk around an interesting part of the city, go to a museum, find a park, library, check out a new food pop-up etc. And then I very graciously say There is no exact rule. riz_kid. DTR. We meet in real life for the first time the Saturday after. Honestly, few guys get past 1-2 dates, and if they do, that single guy is the only one I date until I or he decides to end things. Deep breath, calm down and let her get back to you. Later I texted her that we should meet up again, and she said she would love to. the only plans you should discuss on the first date, are the plans for the second date (and honestly I wouldn't even do that. I (25M) am not new to relationships, but am new to dating and OLD. And then after that, love. If you didn't want this action when I was passionate about you, you sure as hell don't get it when you're down on your luck. If I could just ask her out on a date without worrying about school/work/friends then in the next 2-5 days. Precisely! If I have a good first date with someone I usually ask them for a second one before the first one is over. At the end of the date, I ask her if she'd be free for another date this week. That's what I hope she means. You waited the perfect amount of time. Don't ask about her biggest regrets, sexual history, break ups, ten year plan, etc. If good I will usually ask my date at the end of the night if they would be interested in seeing each other again. She cut it off saying she wasn't feeling romance, and that she wasn't ready. She has already decided whether she wants to go out with you again based on your first date. If you're on a second date and the conversation stalls, consider one of these I had a great date with this girl yesterday. Just drop a strong hint. The worse thing she can do is say no. I’d really like to see you again some time if you’re up for it”. Should I text or call her? [Story inside] I'm a guy, we're both 25, and our date was at a bar. If that’s the case, he can have them pay for his food. don't ask, I'm trying here). Within 24 hours always when I was on the market. Agreeing to a second date with you = she likes you. • 2 yr. I’ve had most guys ask me out right after the first date at the earliest to the next day at the latest. Then down the road, ask if it is going to be a committed exclusive relationship or something else. It's really simple. Broseph543. I’m a notorious overthinker. You text with a date request. In fact it's a sign of thinking of the person you are going on a date with as an equal. She took the first step to ask me out and since both of us are very new to queer dating, that was a big thing. Claims SHE hurt his ego, then proceeds to (kind of) ask for a second date. If not, I kind of assume she’s not interested in me in that way and just move on. I asked for a second date the day after the first. The second date is time to let yourself shine. Following up with “I hope we can meet again soon” is good because it establishes that you do actually want to see the person again, although you could just shorten it to “I had fun, let’s do this again soon!”. Just don't ask it before the first one. 4. When you have a first date and it ends and the guy doesn't ask you for a second date at the end of the first date, does it mean he isn't interested? Do any of you guys wait a bit to ask a girl on the second date? What's an acceptable time to wait and assume maybe he is still interested? Also if you are a guy that waits a while to ask, what is your reasoning? A compliment sandwich. I was thinking of asking her to go to the store with me on Monday, picking out some food, and cooking dinner together. Scan this QR code to download the app now. It immediately confirms that the other person felt the same way and makes me The fact is, she's placing more importance on her time than yours. keep it simple. Date #2 was a bowling fun date then dinner. First date is just to feel it out, basically to check that they aren't super incompatible etc. Reply reply. We agreed on a second date the next weekend. Then second date is when I decide if I want more dates, usually by the third date I know for sure if it's a no or yes. "interested in going on a date sometime" That sounds awkward or official. Then the next round starts. if she is interested and you ask then she is going to say yes, if she isn't interested and you ask then she says no. Basically, all of them ended with the girl not wanting a second date. When it’s time to pay, I immediately take my wallet out, and most of the time, the guy will say, “no, it’s ok, I got this. Moments after meeting her, I felt the click. Absolutely text her and say you love pizza and that you would like her to join you. In the past I would believe in getting to know for like 3-4 days before suggesting to meet up. What's so bad about shooting a text asking if she wants to give a 2nd try with things being different this time? "It ended because of x reason, do you want to fix x reason and give it another go?" I’ve asked on the 2nd date and many times the lady has declined. First dates can be awkward, tough, and complicated but they really don’t have to be. Even if you don’t want to wait days to get to know her before you ask her out, strike up a legitimate conversation first. She just got out of a 5 year relationship. If you had asked her through text, you might get a more honest answer. NO sex, just making out and cuddling. I come to you asking for some advice. Nothing bad to it. You're the back up if the plan with someone better falls through. Most of the time on a first and pretty much always on the second. 7. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular Dear daters on Reddit, Hello. ”. Choosing a great location, a perfect time of day, and interesting questions to ask will allow you to turn that awkward small talk into real, fun conversation. Bit different if they're proactively reaching out, but I find that's fairly infrequent for a girl to really push for it with the gender dynamic and general norms. When you're free, shoot me a text and we can go out again. (And you are allowing him to do it on his time table without rushing it. First, second, third, whatever. I think its assumed the first time meeting someone is always going to be a little awkward, and most people dont behave It depends on a lot of things. Of course. When they do that passive-agressive, "I'll ask you to ask me out" thing, definitely a boner-killer. If the date went really well and you feel that there's great potential for the future, there's no need to delay asking for a second date. this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. If we go out on a Sunday night and we both work too much during the week then I would probably assume sometime the next weekend unless she expressed interest in doing it sooner. " barring anything dark. Getting too invested. If it’s an evening date the next day is better, and a day date she could have other social engagements so it’s better to give it a bit of space. “Hey I had a great time. The second date might be a good time to initiate some physical affection, such as a playful touch on the shoulder or hand. '. And then there are those hand holding situations that mean more than a thousand words, and express an intimacy which can take weeks or months (years?) to get to. " Gauge her response and then in the next few days, start making plans with her for the second. Yes. When you have a first date and it ends and the guy doesn't ask you for a second date at the end of the first date, does it mean he isn't interested? Don't usually go on dates with dudes, but from what I recall, we usually avoid asking a girl out on a second date while still on the first date, so I have no idea where you would have picked up I (F21) went out with a girl (F22) on Thursday night. ” This makes me By virtue of matching with you and going on a date the girl is at least attracted to you physically. The date went well imo. But maybe she hasn’t had much experience in online dating, or had a previous bad experience. How do you usually make a move when you want to ask a girl for second dates? I love it when a girl asks me out on a date. As a woman, I’m sure she’s either been witness to, or heard stories second hand, guys who did not take rejection well. If you go out with a girl a few times, and it ends for whatever reason. You might just need some more time together to break through the nervousness and maybe a bit mor of a concerted effort to get beyond the small talk. I didn’t want to ask on the date bc that seems a little suffocating imo. I usually the next day say something like “had a great time, hopefully we can do that again sometime!” and that gives them the next move or might initiate talking about a second time if there is going to be a second time :) Too soon would be before the first date. Example: Hey Sandy, it was great hanging with you the other night, and even though you're really pretty and fun, I'm sorry but I'm just not feeling that extra romantic connection. First ask what the other is looking for. She should sometime within the next 24 hours. I know about myself that I often lack confidence to do certain things, but that when I muster enough courage to do them, things usually go well, so it’s something I’m working on. But every woman is different and will want different things. In my experience, here are some ways to make your first date as awesome as possible. If you both are vibing with each other, then before you end the conversation ask if she’d like to exchange numbers because you’d like to get to know her more. TheMoogley1. You can text him that you had a wonderful time on the date and you hope to hear from him again soon. 5M subscribers in the dating_advice community. Nice! As far as actual advice for OP, the rule of thumb is to wait a couple of days after the first date cos she might text you first which makes it easier for you especially if you initiated the date. • 3 yr. That's all there is to it probably. I met this girl a few weeks ago on Hinge. Maybe don't ask right as she's about to leave. Would you ever ask a girl out to coffee out of the blue if you just saw her as a friend? Had a good time on a date? Follow up right after with a text saying you did! It’s not much, but for me nothing is better than receiving an immediate (within an hour or so) follow up text from someone I just went on a date with letting me know they had a great time. It's not a matter of validation. I don't know what to do or look for in all honesty. . NawfSideNative. It lasted about 3 hours. I (28) met a girl (23) at a party, hit it off, asked for her number. It is not rude. There's no set time for this. No, the girl does not have to ask for 50% of the dates. Be easy, be yourself, be flirty. So, I decide to ask him, and he agrees. I’m going on a third date with a girl (23F) tomorrow, still haven’t kissed her yet, and am unsure when I should do that on the date. I’ve asked on the 2nd date and many times the lady has declined. It is rude for sure. We’re not in the 1940s anymore; anyone can ask anyone out. Longjumping-Paint426. Then never text her again, unless you hear back. I spoke with my mother, and got her opinion on the subject, but she said I should seek out input from people closer to my own age. It could be that you revealed something during the date that the girl found incompatible with her own personality, interests, desires, etc. I’d ask my friends but they have even less dating experience then I do. Introduce yourself and chat her up. Now I'm basically meeting her for drinks and then we'll go for a walk in the park (to go visit pokestops, I just. But I would still invite him to go do something again. fz ay ss ng gz zo jx ce vb ka